Interview Segment

Mary Burton interviewed by Ruendree Govinder
May 23, 2005 Cape Town, South Africa.
"Helen Suzman was the one person in Parliament ... She put her energies into asking embarrassing questions of the government which they were then obliged to answer ..." [1:35]

Helen Suzman, for many years the only Progressive Party member of Parliament, receiving information from the Black Sash (of which she was a member) to put the government on record answering her questions.

Mary Burton, born in Argentina, moved to South Africa in 1961 when she married a South African. She became active in the Black Sash in 1965 and served as its national president from 1985 to 1990. Burton became a South African citizen in 1994 and, in 1995, was appointed to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and served on its Human Rights Violations Committee.

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